Join Avalere experts Kathy Hughes and Richard Chapman at ISPOR Dublin This Week
Avalere experts to present at ISPOR Dublin's Poster and Workshop sessions.Poster Session 1, Monday, Nov 4, 8:45 AM–2:15 PM
“Dynamic Modeling to Estimate the Economic Impact of Increasing Influenza Vaccination in the United States,” by Tim Inocencio and Kathy Hughes.
A dynamic transition model was developed to demonstrate the economic impact of increasing influenza vaccination rates among adults in the United States. This model incorporated age-based mixing rates and accounted for increases in “herd immunity” as more individuals are vaccinated. The results demonstrate that increasing current influenza vaccination rates from 40% to 60% could save $4.5 billion in hospital, outpatient, and drug treatment costs, and is especially useful when supporting efforts to increase vaccination rates nationwide.
Poster Session 2, Monday, Nov 4, 3:30–7:30 PM
“Using A ‘Standards of Care Economic Model’ to Quantify Barriers and Potential Solutions to Providing Optimal Guideline-Driven Care to Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in the United States,” by Kathy Hughes.
Workshop Session 4, Wednesday, Nov 6, 8:45–9:45 AM
“Garbage In — Garbage Out: Detecting Data Errors and Managing Such Errors in Retrospective Research,” presented by Richard Chapman.
The workshop will introduce a practical framework for screening for various types of data errors, and discuss options for dealing with problematic observations. The discussion includes case studies of uncorrected data from both administrative claims and EHR data, and will offer alternatives to managing erroneous data.
Webinar Replay | Election 2024: What's at Stake for Healthcare?
In this webinar, Avalere experts and guests discuss the 2024 elections, exploring the candidates’ health policy approaches and implications for stakeholders.