Adopting Patient-Reported Outcomes in Clinical Care
To better understand key motivations and barriers to using PROs in clinical care, Avalere conducted a literature review, identified existing PRO-PMs in use by payers through our proprietary quality measures database, and conducted interviews with early adopters of PROs. In this paper, we provide our findings and recommendations for next steps.Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) have been used for several decades in clinical research to assess health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and functional status as reported directly by patients. PROs are now also being used by forward-thinking providers and payers in ongoing clinical care to track patients’ health status and responses to treatment. Less frequently, PRO-based performance measures (PRO-PMs) are being used to assess quality and to determine payments for care. These routine uses of PROs in clinical practice are critical to the movement to value-based payment from volume and to patient-centric care. Yet, to date, their use has been limited without payment incentives and legislative mandates to spur the development and implementation of PRO-PMs. Despite some progress by early adopters, there are still considerable challenges to the broad adoption of PROs in clinical care.
Funding for this research was provided by Janssen Pharmaceuticals. Avalere Health retained full editorial control.