Ensuring COVID-19 Vaccine Affordability

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On March 30, Avalere policy experts published a piece in the Health Affairs blog about the existing programs in place to ensure patient access to affordable COVID-19 vaccines.
Please note: This is an archived post. Some of the information and data discussed in this article may be out of date. It is preserved here for historical reference but should not be used as the basis for business decisions. Please see our main Insights section for more recent posts.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has unfolded, concerns about access to affordable vaccines and treatments have become a focal point in public discourse. While these concerns are understandable, policymakers should be mindful of the current policies and programs that help facilitate widespread vaccine access.

In “Ensuring COVID-19 Vaccine Affordability: Existing Mechanisms Should Not Be Overlooked,” Avalere experts outline existing mechanisms that provide widespread access to affordable vaccines, which include the following pathways:

  • Conventional US vaccine coverage and finance (e.g., Medicare, Vaccines for Children, the Affordable Care Act, Section 317 Immunization Program)
  • Vaccine procurement and distribution for public health responses

Read the full piece on the Health Affairs blog.

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