Offerings | Health Economics and Outcomes Research

Cost-of-Care Analyses and Comparative Efficacy Research

A comprehensive understanding of the true cost of a treatment and its comparative effectiveness informs manufacturers’ market differentiation strategies and payers’ coverage decisions.


Evidence-Based Product Differentiation is Key

Today’s therapeutic and diagnostic markets are crowded, populated with competing drugs that may have similar efficacy, safety, and cost profiles in the eyes of providers and payers. Manufacturers need to differentiate their products in health plan formularies and for provider and patient decision making. To identify points of differentiation, organizations need access to complete claims data. However, data lag time poses a considerable challenge and hinders definitive and timely conclusions. Further, not all expenses associated with a treatment are evident in claims data, so it can be challenging to understand the full picture.

Avalere Has the Tools and Expertise to Help

We conduct research, link multiple data sources, and analyze findings for a total cost-of-care assessment to inform market differentiation efforts. To identify the true financial burden of a disease, our experts employ a range of qualitative research methods, including payer interviews, patient surveys, and evaluations of patient-reported outcomes. This research is enhanced by Avalere’s unique access to a longitudinal view of claims data that offers insight into the length of time on treatment, and thus the duration of expenses.

Clients who engage with Avalere early in the product development process can rely on our assistance at every stage, from landscape assessment prior to launch through the duration of the product lifecycle, where claims studies can depict performance. Our claims and supplementary dataset access, paired with invaluable real-world clinical expertise, enables us to construct claims algorithms that provide a comprehensive view of the patient population and outcomes.

Providing Clients with Actionable Insights

Our team includes well published researchers, pharmacists, and physicians as well as statisticians, health economists, and other public health experts who have worked for payers, providers, government agencies, and pharmaceutical companies. We apply this broad perspective to a wide range of datasets, thus providing clients with the real-world information and analysis needed to optimize early clinical development.

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