Offerings | Patient-Centered Research & Outcomes

Multistakeholder Engagement Sessions

Our skilled facilitators offer a neutral, yet focused, third-party perspective for stakeholders across the healthcare industry to discuss and resolve complex questions related to patient-centered outcomes.


Cross-Sector Collaboration

Stakeholders are having meaningful conversations about how to leverage patient perspectives for enhanced patient experiences and outcomes, understanding that patient-centered outcomes are a key factor in regulatory decision making and their broader strategic healthcare efforts.

Manufacturers, payers, providers, and professional organizations have wide-ranging and sometimes divergent priorities, but major healthcare decisions and initiatives require their collaboration. Even the most complex problems have found a pathway to solution through facilitated conversations with input from multiple stakeholders.

Making an Impact

At Avalere, we have deep expertise in facilitating these conversations. Specifically, we act as a convening third party for stakeholder engagement sessions that identify, discuss, and ultimately generate strategic action plans for addressing problems. We lead roundtables, workshops, and other bespoke forums that provide a productive platform for collaboration. These forums foster knowledge transfer, provide a networking space to cultivate future partnerships, and contribute to evidence bases needed to address issues raised, particularly in rare diseases and understudied areas.

We have cultivated a robust network of medical, policy, and research collaborators with connections to key payers, providers, government agencies, life sciences manufacturers, medical device companies, professional societies, and patient advocacy organizations. With our knowledge of regulatory boundaries and other critical sensitivities, we facilitate productive, relevant discussions.

As skilled facilitators, our experts design thoughtful agendas that combine instructive panels with interactive activities while allowing ample time for side conversations to dive deeper and refine fresh ideas. We work closely with each stakeholder to ensure buy-in and active participation by everyone involved. After convenings, we provide expertise in the use of social media, peer-reviewed publications, and other channels (e.g., white papers, podcasts, blog posts) to disseminate findings, takeaways, and calls to action.

Turning Insights into Outcomes

We help clients access and analyze the information needed to understand perspectives and facilitate conversations between clients and key stakeholders to gain insights on the patient experience.

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