Clinical Society Expands Registry and Gains QCDR Designation from CMS


A clinical practice society (CPS) needed support ensuring that its treatment area aligned with the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act’s (MACRA's) quality care requirements. We provided strategic advice and technical support to develop and incorporate into its registry performance metrics related to the treatment of peripheral artery disease. We managed the nomination process to submit the registry to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for designation as a Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR), which CMS approved.

Client Type

US-Based Clinical Practice Society


To secure CMS recognition and facilitate optimal measurement of and reimbursement for its clinical interventions, the CPS needed to codify and transmit data on its treatment protocols and patient outcomes in the form of a QCDR for MACRA.


We collaborated with the CPS to refine its registry objectives and worked with its clinicians to specify performance metrics. We then established technical specifications and functional requirements for the registry to evaluate interventions for the treatment of peripheral artery disease.

We shepherded both the registry and proposed QCDR measure specifications through implementation, working closely with the client to translate all registry specifications for the client’s platform vendor. We worked with CMS to ensure completion of the QCDR measure approval process, and then with the Office of the National Coordinator as it completed its final review of the registry. These reviews resulted in CMS’s Merit-Based Incentive Payment System recognizing the client’s specific QCDR measures.


The registry’s status as a QCDR has enabled the client to support the needs of its members by meeting CMS value-based reporting requirements. The client has expanded the use of its QCDR to other vascular interventions and will leverage it for evidence generation and clinical guideline development.

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