
Asembia's Specialty
Pharmacy Summit

Laura Housman

“The specialty pharmacy market will need to embrace and evolve strategic thinking regarding commercial determinants of health to maximize patient access and value.”

Laura Housman
Practice Director

We’re looking forward to engaging with industry leaders in person at Asembia on April 30–May 4, 2023, in Las Vegas, NV. Avalere experts will be speaking at the following sessions:

  • Key Considerations to Prepare for Implementation of the IRA’s Drug Pricing Policies, Omar Hafez, Matt Kazan, and Kelsey Lang, Monday, May 1, 2–2:45 PM PT
  • Post-Inflation Reduction Act: The Continued Need for Charitable Patient Assistance, Kelly Brantley, Wednesday, May 3, 8–8:45 AM PT

Meet Our

The Avalere experts below will attend Asembia’s 2023 Specialty Pharmacy Summit. Click the button to the right to connect with them and see how Avalere can help your business.

Kelly BrantleyKelly Brantley

Practice Director

Omar HafezOmar Hafez

Managing Director
Market Access & Reimbursement

Matt KazanMatt Kazan

Managing Director

Kelsey LangKelsey Lang


Sarah AlwardtSarah Alwardt

Senior Vice President
Evidence & Strategy

Jessica CortezJessica Cortez

Associate Principal
Market Access & Reimbursement

Mark GoodingMark Gooding

Managing Director
Market Access & Reimbursement

John C. NealJohn C. Neal

Managing Director
Market Access & Reimbursement

Laura HousmanLaura Housman

Managing Director
Evidence & Strategy

Lance GradyLance Grady

Practice Director
Market Access & Reimbursement

Sean DillonSean Dillon

Financial Services

Our experts will be available to discuss these priority topics

Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Implementation

Inflation-based rebates, Medicare price negotiation, Part D benefit design, and other IRA policies will have a profound impact on healthcare stakeholders. Avalere can help evaluate these policies’ effects and develop strategies for product development and investment decisions, manufacturer contracting strategies, plan formulary and benefit design, and ensuring patient access to medications.

Part D Strategy and Bid Modeling

Part D benefit redesign will add pressure to plans and manufacturers while increasing affordability for beneficiaries. Manufacturers can expect Part D volume and revenue changes and should prepare for new plan approaches to formulary and benefit design. Avalere can be a thought partner to manufacturers developing their strategy for engaging Part D plans for 2025 using qualitative and quantitative approaches.

Health Equity’s Role in Access

Abundant evidence shows persistent inequities in diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes experienced by consistently marginalized groups. Avalere takes a data-driven approach to pinpoint key drivers of those inequities, such as treatment variations, differential access to services and treatments, or social determinant factors such as affordability, transportation, and caregiver support.

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