ISPOR Annual Meeting
ISPOR Annual Meeting
Meet our expert team at ISPOR 2024 in Atlanta at Avalere Health Booth #413. Our specialists in policy, access, value, and evidence will be there to discuss ways to purposefully advance and accomplish your strategic goals, from pre-clinical/early development through the full commercialization life cycle. Connect with us there to discuss the following topics:
Priority Topics
Building a Patient Centric Value Story:
Increasingly, stakeholders are demanding non-traditional evidence to understand how different types of patients fare in real-world treatment settings. Avalere Health helps manufacturers navigate methodological challenges in patient-centered data collection, quantify the direct and indirect burden patients face, develop patient-centered frameworks, design and implement evidence-based interventions in furthering implementation science.
Navigating Competing Evidence Requirements Across Markets:
To achieve optimal, sustained patient access, an integrated evidence plan must promote transferability and mitigate risk of changing value landscape dynamics across markets. Avalere Health helps clients maximize evidence applicability and value strategies in response to new policy realities(e.g., Joint Clinical Assessments, PDABs, Inflation Reduction Act- Part D Redesign and Negotiation).
Amplifying and Scaling Data Value:
The value of data can be amplified through quantitative and qualitative analyses using structured and unstructured data sets. Avalere Health leverages their access to these data sets to develop and conduct mixed method studies including epidemiologic and primary research studies of health equity, social determinants of health, and economic burden of disease. Avalere Health leverages their cross-expertise team to drive strategies on how to promote and incorporate research in policy for improved access.
Early Pipeline: New Realities of the Market:
Decision making early in the development cycle is crucial given the substantial investment to conduct clinical trials on the path to commercialization. Avalere Health’s deep knowledge across US and global markets gives a unique insight into investment decisions, clinical development programs, and product lifecycle planning.
Meet Our
The Avalere experts below will attend ISPOR 2024. Connect with them and see how Avalere can help your business.
Taylor Schwartz
Sarah Alwardt
Nicole Betor
Michael Ciarametaro
Mariia Salova
Laura Housman
Jordan Banks
Jason Lucas
Connect with us at ISPOR
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Featured Services

Implementation Science and Evaluation
Harnessing the power of implementation science to close the gap between evidence and practice and integrate evidence-based interventions into healthcare settings.

Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Using our comprehensive real-world data access to develop real-world evidence that supports data-driven decision making and market differentiation.

Federal and State Policy
Providing clients with multistakeholder perspectives to help them anticipate, interpret, and respond to changes in the complex legislative and regulatory environment.