Access to Abuse-Deterrent Opioid Formulations Tied to Reduced Risk of Opioid Abuse and Overdose

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New Avalere research finds that health plan members enrolled in plans that cover abuse-deterrent formulations (ADFs) of opioids have a lower risk of opioid abuse (OA) and overdose (OD) and lower opioid abuse-related hospitalizations than people in plans that do not offer coverage of ADF opioids.
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The study (page S45), which was presented at AMCP Nexus 2018 on October 24, 2018 and selected for a Bronze ribbon, examined the effects of ADF opioid formulary coverage on utilization of ADF opioids, the risk of OA and OD, and related costs. Avalere analyzed commercial, Medicare Advantage, and managed Medicaid plan member-level data and plan benefit design information from the Inovalon MORE2 Registry®. ADF opioids are designed with properties intended to prevent their misuse. Previous studies have found that ADF opioids have played a role in reducing prescription opioid abuse, diversion, deaths, and related costs. The government has looked to ADF opioids as a step towards reducing abuse. In the recently passed Substance Use Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment (SUPPORT) for Patients and Communities Act, which is awaiting the President’s signature, HHS is required to study the adequacy of access to ADF opioids in Medicare.

Avalere’s findings suggest that increasing access to ADF opioids can be an important strategy to fighting the opioid epidemic.

Funding for this research was provided by Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.

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