An Update on the Preparation for Shared Decision-Making Tool for Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients

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Avalere published an abstract in the online Journal of National Comprehensive Cancer Network (JNCCN).
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On March 20, Avalere published an abstract in JNCCN that highlights findings from our qualitative analysis of the Preparation for Shared Decision-Making (PFSDM) tool for people with stage III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Through a human-centered design approach, Avalere adapted the PFSDM tool to people with Stage III NSCLC in preparing to share their goals and preferences with their providers. Our goal in this study was to validate the tool for its acceptability and usability among this patient population. We interviewed a diverse mix of people with Stage III NSCLC (n=20) and assessed 8 themes to understand the acceptability and usability of the tool:

  • Understandability
  • Clarity of information
  • Amount of information
  • Suitability for decision making
  • Usefulness
  • Relevance of information
  • Value
  • Formatting

Results suggest patients with stage III NSCLC find the PFSDM tool acceptable and usable, with one patient stating, “If I had this tool, it would have made me feel more comfortable with what to ask, what to look forward to, and what upcoming events are going to be like.” Findings indicate patients believe the tool will help them prepare to communicate their preferences with their provider when making decisions.

The validated tool will be used to inform future studies evaluating the feasibility of incorporating the tool into the clinical workflow and the tool’s impact on clinical outcomes.

To learn more about the PFSDM tool or about opportunities for partnership around the PFSDM tool, connect with us.

Funding for this research was provided by AstraZeneca. Avalere retained full editorial control.

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