Stakeholders Can Influence Patient-Centered Value Research During Public Comment Period
Life sciences companies, payers, and advocates can weigh in on patient-centered value assessments in a new public comment opportunity.The Blueprint for Patient-Centered Value Research is now open for public comment from March 4 to April 4, 2025, offering stakeholders an opportunity to provide input on how patient perspectives could be integrated into value assessment and health technology assessment (HTA) for those that choose to use the blueprint as part of their real-world evidence framework. This comment period enables the public to provide input on how patient engagement, health equity, and real-world evidence can be incorporated into decision-making frameworks that impact coverage, reimbursement, and access. The Blueprint is voluntary and its influence will depend on stakeholder adoption.
The Blueprint’s Role in Advancing Patient-Centered Value Research
The Center for Innovation & Value Research (the Center), formerly known as the Innovation and Value Initiative, is a nonprofit organization focused on improving patient access to high-value care through advancements in HTA methodologies, patient preference research, and health equity initiatives. The Blueprint for Patient-Centered Value Research provides a framework for embedding patient voices throughout the research process, influencing how payers, policymakers, and manufacturers define and assess value in healthcare through a patient-centered lens.
The Blueprint emphasizes:
- Core principles of patient-centricity, health equity, and transparency
- Methodologies for integrating patient preferences into HTAs and value assessments
- Real-world applications for ensuring patient-centered insights inform coverage and reimbursement decisions
Incorporating Stakeholder Input
The public comment period allows stakeholders to provide feedback on the Blueprint’s proposed frameworks and methodologies. Stakeholder input is crucial for ensuring that patient-centered research aligns with broader healthcare innovation, regulatory policies, and value-based care models.
How to Engage
Stakeholders, including life sciences companies, payers, and advocacy groups, can engage by submitting written feedback before April 4, 2025. Comments could meaningfully impact the framework’s approach by addressing:
- Integration of patient engagement strategies at different stages of value assessment
- Considerations for health-related social needs, access, and heterogeneous outcomes across different subpopulations
- The optimal role of real-world evidence in HTA frameworks
- The Blueprint’s alignment with payer coverage and reimbursement decision making
- Suggestions to enhance clarity and usability of the Blueprint and to ensure it is inclusive and patient-centered
- Potential unintended consequences, biases, or burdens in the proposed Blueprint
Maximizing Impact
Organizations looking to participate in the comment process should ensure that their feedback is strategic, evidence-based, and aligned with their broader policy and market access goals. Given the Blueprint’s potential impact on HTA frameworks, payer coverage decisions, and patient-centered research methodologies, life sciences companies, payers, and advocacy organizations have an opportunity to proactively shape its final recommendations.
We can help prepare and position your public comment in a timely manner to ensure your organization’s priorities are effectively represented.
To discuss how we can support your comments or your organization’s patient-centered research strategy, connect with us today.