Avalere Releases Healthcare Industry Trends Report for 2017
This year will be the start of major environmental changes for the healthcare industry following a shift in the balance of power in Washington, DC, and the states.
Please note: This is an archived post. Some of the information and data discussed in this article may be out of date. It is preserved here for historical reference but should not be used as the basis for business decisions. Please see our main Insights section for more recent posts.
At the same time, we expect a continuation of many existing trends—including, most importantly, the shift from volume to value in healthcare markets. This mix of new and old issues led us to focus on three themes—policy change, the pursuit of value, and access to care—for our 2017 Healthcare Industry Outlook.
Access the presentation slides.
Listen to the archived version of the webinar.
Within each of these three themes, we identified core issues and what they will mean for manufacturers, patients, plans, and providers. Throughout this document, we have also woven in commentary from a diverse group of Avalere subject matter experts.
The topics include:
- Election Results Directly Affect Insurance Coverage
- Drug-Pricing Threat Diminished but Not Forgotten
- Value-Based Payment Becoming Reality for Providers
- In Response to Gaps, Quality Measures to Proliferate Rapidly
- New Models of Care Demand Optimal Use of Post-Acute Care
- Outcomes-Based Contracting Shapes Drug Purchasing
- Value Frameworks Must Evolve to Encourage Adoption
- Employer Benefits Are Shifting Costs to Workers
- Payers Respond to Biosimilar Market Competition
- Digital Health Is Transforming Patient Engagement