Read our Avalere Health Essential Voice interviews. Twenty years ago, we set out to be the essential voice in improving healthcare. Our experts discuss the hot topics that you need to track.
E1 – New Appropriate Use Criteria in Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease
We explore the value of the newly released Alzheimer’s Association appropriate use criteria for lumbar puncture and cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) testing in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. We kick off this series with Dr. Maria Carillo, the Alzheimer Association’s Chief Science Officer and Dr. Jim Hendrix, Director of Global Science Initiatives.
E3 – Real-World Evidence: Is It a Game Changer for the FDA?
We discuss 3 steps companies should complete now to take advantage of the FDA’s priority to advance the adoption of RWE to support agency decision making.
E2 – Real-World Evidence: Is It a Game Changer for the FDA?
Episode 2 of our discussion covers why the FDA is so interested in real-world evidence and how they are approaching it.
E1 – Real-World Evidence: Is It a Game Changer for the FDA?
In our real-world evidence series, Avalere experts explore real-world evidence as a disruptive force in healthcare. In Episode 1, we focus on why RWE is such a hot topic.
E4 – Digital Health the Missing Partner in Pain Management?
We interview Martha Lawrence, Chief Executive Officer of AccendoWave, discussing how technology has the promise to reduce pain for patients as an alternative to opioids. AccendoWave's system assesses patient discomfort levels using EEG technology.
Evolving Value-Based Care Strategies in 2017 and Beyond
Avalere's Fred Bentley explores how a leading health system adapts to evolving value-based payment models in an interview with Dr. Robert Nesse, senior director for Payment Reform at Mayo Clinic.
E3 – The Future of Technology in Community Hospitals
In our digital health series, we explore the role innovation and technology play in the healthcare landscape. We interview Sajid Ahmed, Chief Information & Innovation Officer of the new Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital. Hear how he leads its greater than $70 million health information technology initiative and launched the innovation hub that serves 1.35 million residents from all over South Los Angeles.
Key Differences Within the Patient-Perspective Value Framework
Our experts discuss the key differences making the the Patient-Perspective Value Framework 1.0 (PPVF) unique compared to value frameworks currently in the market.
E2 – Telehealth Technology Improving Patient Access?
In the second interview of our health technology series, we discuss the promise of telehealth technologies with Jamey Edwards, CEO of Cloudbreak Health.
E1 – The Role of Technology in Chronic Disease Management
In our four-part series dedicated to digital health, we explore the role innovation and technology play in healthcare. We kick off this series with Adam Kaufman, CEO of Canary Health. Canary Health is a leading digital health self-management platform, which has demonstrated success in helping people achieve improved health while lowering healthcare costs.
E3 – Positioning for Success in the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System
In the final episode of our QPP podcast series, Nelly Ganesan, one of our MACRA experts, talks about the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) optimization.
Navigating Bundled Payment Models in 2017
Fred Bentley fills you in on the core components of the EPM final bundled payment rule and the future of bundled payment models.
E2 – Highlights of FDA and NIH in 21st Century Cures
The final signing of the 21st Century Cures Act is the culmination of 3 years of efforts by lawmakers in the House and Senate to expedite developing and making available new treatment options. In the final episode in our series, Jay Jackson discusses what changes are on the horizon for products under The Cures Act.
E1 – How 21st Century Cures May Impact Health Plans in 2017
The final signing of the 21st Century Cures Act is the culmination of three years of efforts by lawmakers in the House and Senate to expedite developing and making available new treatment options. Listen to Cara Kelly break down the impacts in episode 1 of our series on 21st Cures.
E5 – A National Call Action: Using Tools to Defeat Malnutrition Care Challenges in the United States
In the final episode of our series for Malnutrition Awareness Week™, Avalere's Kristi Mitchell is joined by Bob Blancato to talk about the growing crisis of malnutrition care and its impact on older adults. Bob is the president of Matz, Blancato, and Associates, the national coordinator of the bipartisan 3000-member Elder Justice Coalition, and the executive director of the National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs.
E4 – Advancing Malnutrition Care Through De Novo Electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs)
In Episode 4 of our malnutrition series, Avalere's Angel Valladares discusses the implementation of eMeasures with Dr. Ken Nepple, an associate professor in the Department of Urology at the University of Iowa Health System with great professional interest in nutrition care. He has led the MQii project at his facility as a measure testing site and participated in the hospital learning collaborative piloting the standardized toolkit.
E3 – The Critical Role of Patients in Optimal Malnutrition Care
In epidode 3 of our malnutrition series, Avalere's Kelsey Jones is joined Dr. Karim Godamunne, Chief Medical Officer, North Fulton Hospital and member of the MQii Advisory Committee, sharing why a multi-disciplinary approach, high-quality measures, good data, and patient engagement are all needed to advance malnutrition care.
E2 – Improving Patient Outcomes by Reducing Clinical Practice Variability in Malnutrition Care
In episode 2 of our series for Malnutrition Awareness WeekTM, Avalere's Michelle Bruno and Dr. Heidi Silver, research associate professor of medicine and director of the Vanderbilt Diet, Body Composition, and Human Metabolism CORE, discuss implementing a new MQii Toolkit across hospital departments at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The MQii Toolkit provides practical, interdisciplinary tools and resources to help hospitals implement malnutrition best practices across all aspect of malnutrition care (e.g., screening, assessment, diagnosis, discharge planning).
E1 – Malnutrition Among Hospitalized Adults: An Opportunity to Improve Care and Reduce Readmissions
For Malnutrition Awareness WeekTM, Avalere will be releasing a series of interviews focused on new tools developed by the Malnutrition Quality Improvement Initiative (MQii)—a collaboration of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Avalere Health, and other organizations dedicated to improving nutrition care. Listen to episode 1 featuring Dr. Alison Steiber, chief science officer at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and Dr. Beverly Hernandez, the director of clinical nutrition at Tampa General Hospital.
E4 – The Evolution of Payment Models and the Impact on Life Sciences Companies
In our final bundled payment podcast, Avalere's Adam Borden discusses how the potential updates may impact device manufacturers.