Value-Based Care

Alternative payment models are becoming more advanced as the healthcare system transitions to value-based care and payers drive to accelerate generated savings. Track and stay ahead of this evolution to identify strategic partnerships and measure results.

Health Policy Veteran Emily Donaldson Joins Avalere

Emily Donaldson brings 15 years of experience supporting pharmaceutical manufacturers and health plans, focused on insurance markets and state healthcare policy.

Medicare Cost and Utilization Across Physician Affiliation Models

An Avalere analysis assessing differences in Medicare expenditures and utilization across 4 models provides a new perspective on the evolving physician affiliation model landscape.

Owen Ayers

What’s Next for Value-Based Care in Cardiology?

The prevalence and cost of CVD make cardiology a strong candidate for value-based care. Various clinical and market trends present opportunities for continued uptake.

Amy Schroeder

Video: Key NCCN Sessions Impacting Market Access to Oncology Care

In this video, Avalere market access experts discuss major takeaways from the 2024 NCCN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network) Annual Conference in the areas of reimbursement, early detection of cancer, consideration of a broader pool as provider decision makers, and patient involvement in their care decisions.

Emily Belowich

2024: An Era of Innovation and Disruption in Kidney Care

A dynamic regulatory landscape, technological advancements, and investments in R&D offer new opportunities and challenges in kidney care.

Becky Davidson

CMS Finalizes Changes to NTAP Payment Designation

The recent FY 2024 IPPS final rule revised NTAP eligibility criteria for certain technologies. Applications for the FY 2025 NTAP cycle are due by October 17, 2023.

What is the CMS Innovation Center?

The CMS Innovation Center offers policymakers a nimble, non-legislative pathway to experiment with new methods of care delivery, payment, and reimbursement in Medicare and Medicaid.

Opportunities for Savings Within Orthopedic Value-Based Bundles

It is critical for orthopedic providers to understand key cost drivers to identify opportunities for savings in bundled payment arrangements with private payers.

EOM Participation Likely Influenced by Prior OCM Experience

With EOM’s immediate downside risk, the model may appeal more to practices ready to implement care transformation activities and value-driven decision making.

EOM Model: 5 Key Considerations for Stakeholders

Stakeholders should consider how the Enhancing Oncology Model’s design and incentives will impact cancer care management and treatment selection.

Avalere Expert Commentary on CMS Enhancing Oncology Model

CMS announces long-awaited successor to the Oncology Care Model (OCM), which is scheduled to conclude on June 30, 2022.

Differential Impact on OCM Performance by Cancer Type During COVID-19 PHE

An Avalere analysis found that OCM episode spending remained below the benchmark price for prostate cancer and low-risk breast cancer during the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE). However, spending continued to exceed the benchmark for other cancers. These patterns suggest a differential impact of the PHE on OCM performance and episode service use by cancer type.

Roy Beveridge

How Healthcare Staffing Shortages Are Changing the Labor Market

A nationwide shortage of clinical and non-clinical professionals is straining the healthcare industry. Every part of the health ecosystem is making contingency plans for this ongoing and worsening labor shortage. Solutions range from traditional market approaches of wages and benefits to innovative staffing activities and advocating for policy changes.

Medicare Enrollees with COPD Compared to the General Population

The percentage of Medicare enrollees with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans is growing (3.1% growth projected between 2020 and 2030), but the majority (60%) of enrollees with COPD are in fee-for-service (FFS) Medicare. Compared to the general FFS Medicare population, more beneficiaries with COPD are dual eligible for Medicaid and fewer beneficiaries with COPD have employer sponsored insurance as a source of supplemental coverage.

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