Value-Based Care

Alternative payment models are becoming more advanced as the healthcare system transitions to value-based care and payers drive to accelerate generated savings. Track and stay ahead of this evolution to identify strategic partnerships and measure results.

Seasoned Payment and Delivery Expert Joins Avalere

Fred Bentley, an experienced leader in payment and delivery system reform, has joined Avalere’s Center for Payment & Delivery Innovation. Fred will supplement our existing deep expertise in provider strategy and provide analytic and strategic support on issues related to care delivery.

Avalere’s Josh Seidman Answers Your Questions on the MACRA Request for Information

Recently, CMS released a Request for Information (RFI) inviting public comment on three provisions related to the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA)-the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), Alternative Payment Models (APMs), and Physician-focused Payment Models (PFPMs). Comments are due to CMS by November 17, 2015. We sat down with Avalere's Josh Seidman to discuss what to expect from the RFI.

Spotlight On: Patient Engagement

Earlier this week, BioCentury featured guest commentary from Tanisha Carino and Reginald Williams about patient engagement.

Webinar: Tying Payment to Value: Lessons Learned from the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Alternative Quality Contract

By the end of 2016, HHS plans to make 30% of fee-for-service payments through alternative payment models, such as accountable care organizations and bundled payments, and tie 85% of all fee-for-service payments to quality or value. This places increasing urgency on healthcare organizations to make a fundamental shift in their approach to care delivery.

Avalere Joins Health Data Consortium

This month, Avalere Health proudly joins the Health Data Consortium (HDC), an organization comprising government, private sector, and non-for-profit entities, whose goal is to improve health and healthcare by advancing the availability and innovative use of data.

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