Value-Based Care

Alternative payment models are becoming more advanced as the healthcare system transitions to value-based care and payers drive to accelerate generated savings. Track and stay ahead of this evolution to identify strategic partnerships and measure results.

Dan Mendelson Op-ed Featured in Medtech Insight

Avalere's President and Founder, Dan Mendelson, recently wrote a column about the new strategies that device manufacturers should take in this era of healthcare.

Takeaways from the Updated Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA)

As the Senate prepares to begin debate on a revised version of the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) next week, Avalere offers the following observations on select components of the legislation:

Interview: E3 – The Future of Technology in Community Hospitals

In our digital health series, we explore the role innovation and technology play in the healthcare landscape. We interview Sajid Ahmed, Chief Information & Innovation Officer of the new Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital. Hear how he leads its greater than $70 million health information technology initiative and launched the innovation hub that serves 1.35 million residents from all over South Los Angeles.

Interview: E1 – The Role of Technology in Chronic Disease Management

In our four-part series dedicated to digital health, we explore the role innovation and technology play in healthcare. We kick off this series with Adam Kaufman, CEO of Canary Health. Canary Health is a leading digital health self-management platform, which has demonstrated success in helping people achieve improved health while lowering healthcare costs.

Video: Navigate Value-Based Payments

Watch this short video of Fred Bentley from our Provider Practice, discuss insights on navigating the transition from volume to value-based care in a changing healthcare environment.

Video: Advance Your PAC Optimization

Watch Erica Breese, our post-acute care expert, preview how analytics can reduce readmissions and improve outcomes for patients after hospitalizations.

Risk-Bearing ACOs Growing in Popularity Under Medicare Programs

On January 18, 2017, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the new Accountable Care Organization (ACO) participants in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) for 2017.

Avalere Analysis on Final EPM Bundle Rule

Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services took another step in shifting Medicare to a value-based payment model that rewards hospitals for delivering better care at a lower cost.

Webinar: EPMs: The Newest Bundled Payment Model

CMS released another mandatory bundled payment proposed rule which will significantly expand the scope of hospitals bearing risk for episodes of care nationally.

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