Value-Based Care

Alternative payment models are becoming more advanced as the healthcare system transitions to value-based care and payers drive to accelerate generated savings. Track and stay ahead of this evolution to identify strategic partnerships and measure results.

Kristin McCarthy

Avalere Survey: Over Half of Health Plans Use Outcomes-Based Contracts

In September 2021, Avalere conducted an online survey of 51 US-based health plans and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), representing roughly 59 million covered lives. The survey indicates that 56% of payers have executed an outcomes-based contract (OBC) as of September 2021.

CMS Proposes Changes to Radiation Oncology Model Timing and Design

On July 19, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the CY 2022 OPPS/ASC Proposed Rule, which includes a number of proposals to modify the timing and design of the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation’s forthcoming Radiation Oncology (RO) Model. The design proposals include changes to the set of included modalities and cancer types, reduction of the CMS discount factors applied to the prospective payments, and adoption of an extreme and uncontrollable circumstances policy. Looking ahead, stakeholders should continue to assess the model payment methodology and design in the context of evolving care delivery and practice patterns.

Kelly Brantley

Earlier Cancer Detection Improves Quality of Life and Patient Outcomes

Cancer has been the second-leading cause of death in the US for over a decade. Patient survival and quality of life depend to a large degree on stage at diagnosis, making early detection critical. However, most cancers have limited or no early screening technology available, reducing the opportunity to detect them early and leading to worse survival rates.

OCM Lung Cancer Episode Costs Have Increased Dramatically Over Time

An Avalere analysis found that Oncology Care Model (OCM) lung cancer episode expenditures increased over 20% from performance periods 2 to 6 while the benchmark price increased about 10% during this period. During this same period, The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) included 20 lung-cancer-specific changes to the OCM Novel Therapy Adjustment (NTA) list. This dynamic supports the inclusion of tumor-specific adjustments in the future Oncology Care First (OCF) model to further account for advancements in cancer management.

Mark Gooding

TPNIES Adjustment Promotes Access for Innovative ESRD Technologies

Medicare offers an add-on payment to facilities furnishing qualified new and innovative renal dialysis equipment and supplies via the Transitional Add-on Payment Adjustment for New and Innovative Equipment and Supplies (TPNIES).

Interview: Direct Contracting and Advancing Home-Based Care with Landmark Health

Tune into another episode of Start Your Day with Avalere. In this segment, Chris Johnson of Landmark Health joins Fred Bentley, Managing Director in Avalere’s Center for Healthcare Transformation, to discuss his organization’s experience as an early participant in CMMI’s Direct Contracting payment model and how value-based models can advance home-based care.

Removing Low-Risk Cancers Has Variable Impact on OCM Performance

An Avalere analysis found that the impact of removing low-risk/low-intensity episodes from the Oncology Care Model (OCM) reconciliation process would not have a notable impact for most practices. Among practices where performance would change, however, performance would improve for most practices if enrolled in 1-sided risk but worsen for most practices if enrolled in alternative 2-sided risk.

Brook Getachew

OCM, OCF, and the Future of Cancer Care: 5 Things to Look Out For

As the Oncology Care Model (OCM) approaches its conclusion, stakeholders are anxiously awaiting the details of the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation's (CMMI’s) next oncology episodic payment model, Oncology Care First (OCF).

Video: Oncology Care and NCCN Key Takeaways

Tune into another episode of the Avalere Health Essential Voice series focused on disease education. In this segment, our Market Access experts discuss major takeaways from the 2021 NCCN annual conference in the areas of diagnostics, holistic approaches to cancer treatment, and how the pandemic has influenced cancer care.

Interview: Oncology Care and NCCN Key Takeaways

Tune into another episode of the Avalere Health Essential Voice series focused on disease education. In this segment, our Market Access experts discuss major takeaways from the 2021 NCCN annual conference in the areas of diagnostics, holistic approaches to cancer treatment, and how the pandemic has influenced cancer care.

Amy Schroeder

Assessing the Reach of Oncology Clinical Pathways

Avalere analysis finds that approximately 1 in 5 Medicare beneficiaries with advanced urothelial carcinoma (UC) or renal cell carcinoma (RCC) see a physician that has access to McKesson Value Pathways or Elsevier ClinicalPath vendor clinical pathways programs

Differences in Spending and Demographic Profiles in Medicare KCC Model

The Kidney Care Choices (KCC) model, a new alternative payment model launched by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI), is scheduled to begin on January 1, 2022. This model will provide population-based payments for beneficiaries with both advanced-stage chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) to improve patient health outcomes and lower Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) spending.

Video: Patient Support Programs and Rare Disease

Tune into the second segment of the Avalere Health Essential Voice series focused on disease education. In this segment, experts from our Market Access practice discuss rare disease patient support programs and the need for stakeholder partnerships to address many of the barriers patients and their caregivers face.

Interview: Patient Support Programs and Rare Disease

Tune into the second segment of the Avalere Health Essential Voice podcast series focused on disease education. In this segment, experts from our Market Access practice discuss rare disease patient support programs and the need for stakeholder partnerships to address many of the barriers patients and their caregivers face.

Brook Getachew

Incorporating Clinical Factors Could Improve OCM Cost Prediction

An Avalere analysis found that among high-risk breast cancer episodes, those in later stages of the disease had higher episode expenditures relative to their benchmarks compared to those in earlier stages.

Melissa Morley

Lengthening Episode Duration Would Not Improve OCM Performance

An Avalere analysis found that lengthening episode duration from 6 months to a year would not have a large impact on the relationship between episode expenditures and benchmark costs, meaning that performance on longer episodes would not improve relative to shorter episodes.

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