Releasing the Draft Avalere/FasterCures Patient-Perspective Value Framework (PPVF) for Public Input
Avalere and FasterCures released the first deliverable of the Patient-Perspective Value Framework (PPVF) Initiative at the annual Partnering for Cures Conference.PPVF Version 1.0 has been released. Please click here to access it.
We released a draft set of domains, criteria, measures, and methodology that can be operationalized for a range of different applications. This first draft benefited greatly from the input of a diverse, multi-stakeholder steering committee and today has been released for public input. The draft PPVF is designed to be a standalone value framework that can be used to develop a number of applications, including a shared decision-making platform.
The Draft PPVF
Avalere and FasterCures are releasing two documents that make up the draft PPVF.
- Highly visual summary document: depicts the PPVF Initiative process, the five domains of patient value and how they fit together, the criteria, measures, methodological considerations that constitute each domain, and the PPVF’s proposed applications.
- Draft methodological report: an extensive written report describing the PPVF’s proposed methodology.
Public Input on the Draft PPVF: We started this process by soliciting public input on the five draft domains of patient value at the 2015 Partnering for Cures Conference and collected extensive input from patients and advocacy groups. We then reviewed literature on patient preferences and patient group comments to existing value frameworks and leveraged existing efforts, such as the National Health Council’s (NHC) Patient-Centered Value Model Rubric. Based on this input and research, we refined the PPVF domains and drafted the criteria, measures, and methodological considerations in collaboration with the Steering Committee (see below for full list of participating organizations).
In conjunction with the above two parts of the Draft PPVF, we developed and fielded a public input questionnaire between November 14 and December 30, 2016 to receive a broad range of feedback.
What’s Next?
- Avalere and FasterCures received more than 100 responses to the public input questionnaire, including from patients, patient advocates, life sciences companies and clinicians, among others. Thank you to all those who took the time to provide their comments. Avalere and FasterCures will carefully review this input with the Steering Committee over the coming months, and consider changes/updates to the draft PPVF accordingly.
- Partner with us to test and refine the draft PPVF’s concepts. In addition to the questionnaire, we are working with partners to test the draft PPVF’s concepts with patients via focus groups and targeted questionnaires. As we begin developing the first application, a shared decision-making tool, this direct patient input, as well as direct caregiver, provider, and other input, will be critical. Please email Domitilla Masi if you are interested in working with us to test and refine the draft PPVF’s concepts
- Partner with us to develop applications. The Draft PPVF materials outline four potential types of applications, described below. Please email Domitilla Masi. if you are interested in partnering with us to develop an application.
In addition to the above members of the Steering Committee, leadership and staff from across the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are participating in the meetings and contributing input to the framework.