Federal and State Policy

As the largest US healthcare payer, the federal government plays a dominant role in shaping the healthcare marketplace, while states take center stage when it comes to developing novel policy approaches. Our experts track, interpret, and model policies that affect insurance coverage, access, and consumer choice so you can see around the bend.

21st Century Cures: What to Expect This Summer

The 21st Century Cures Act presents medical product manufacturers, patient groups, and advocacy organizations with a unique opportunity to plan for upcoming policy changes that are aimed at accelerating the pace of development and approval of new therapies.

Our Take on The President’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2018

Today, the Trump Administration released its budget for fiscal year 2018 (FY 2018). The budget provides the President's recommendations for how the Congress should fund the government and marks the beginning of the FY 2018 budget season.

VA Formulary Coverage Much More Limited than Ohio Medicaid

Across 8 therapeutic areas, the Veteran's Administration (VA) National Formulary covers 49 percent fewer drugs than Ohio's largest Medicaid managed care plan and 68 percent fewer drugs than the Ohio Medicaid preferred drug list (PDL).

Medicare Advantage Patients Less Likely to Use Post-Acute Care

New analysis from Avalere finds that Medicare Advantage (MA) patients use fewer post-acute care services after being discharged from the hospital compared to traditional Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) patients.

Avalere’s Take on the Market Stabilization Final Rule

Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released its final rule for market stabilization of the health insurance exchanges, following the departure of some health plans from the marketplace for the upcoming plan year.

AHCA State Stability Fund Would Give More Money to States with Limited Insurance Competition

New research from Avalere finds that under the American Health Care Act (AHCA), large states as well as those states with fewer insurers offering plans in the individual and small group markets could receive the most money from the federal government to help stabilize their markets.

Final Report: The Impact of Medicare Advantage Data Submission System on Risk Scores

Avalere analyzed data from eight Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs) representing 1.1 million beneficiaries in more than 30 unique plans operating across the country to understand the impact of shifting the determination of plan risk scores from the traditional Risk Adjustment Processing System (RAPS) to the new Encounter Data System (EDS).

Impact of Medicare Advantage Data Submission System on Risk Scores

Avalere analyzed data from eight Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs) representing 1.1 million beneficiaries in more than 30 unique plans operating across the country to understand the impact of shifting the determination of plan risk scores from the Risk Adjustment Processing System (RAPS) to the new Encounter Data System (EDS).

Consumer Costs Continue to Increase in 2017 Exchanges

Plans sold in exchange markets in 2017 feature higher premiums, growing consumer out-of-pocket costs, and more restricted access to providers and hospitals than in previous years, according to a new analysis from Avalere.

Interview: E1 – How 21st Century Cures May Impact Health Plans in 2017

The final signing of the 21st Century Cures Act is the culmination of three years of efforts by lawmakers in the House and Senate to expedite developing and making available new treatment options. Listen to Cara Kelly break down the impacts in episode 1 of our series on 21st Cures.

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