Federal and State Policy

As the largest US healthcare payer, the federal government plays a dominant role in shaping the healthcare marketplace, while states take center stage when it comes to developing novel policy approaches. Our experts track, interpret, and model policies that affect insurance coverage, access, and consumer choice so you can see around the bend.

Webinar: Medicaid: Adapt to the Changes

Avalere experts discuss an evolving Medicaid program supported by a new administration and novel state approaches.

Association Health Plans Projected to Enroll 3.2 Million Individuals

New analysis from Avalere finds that the proposed rule on association health plans (AHPs) is projected to lead to 3.2M enrollees shifting out of the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) individual and small group markets into AHPs by 2022.

Congress’ 2018 Budget Includes Updates for Providers

On February 9, the Senate voted to pass the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, which funds the government through March 23, lifts spending caps for 2 years, and suspends the debt ceiling until March 2019.

Our Take on the 2019 Advance Notice and Draft Call Letter

Yesterday, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released Part II of the Advance Notice and Call Letter (ANCL), describing the Agency's proposed 2019 payment policies and other policy updates for the upcoming plan year for Medicare Advantage (MA) and Part D plans.

What Are Association Health Plans?

On January 4, the Department of Labor (DOL) issued a proposed rule to allow certain self-employed individuals, small businesses, and large businesses, including as part of a professional/trade organization or chamber of commerce, to band together to provide health insurance for their employees and their dependents.

Final 2018 Exchange Enrollment Numbers

At 100% of the OEP, we are at 96% of total Healthcare.gov enrollment compared to 2017 (8.8M n 2018 compared to 9.2M in 2017).

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