Vaccines and Public Health

Adult immunization rates are falling short of national targets. Learn how global, federal, and state policies affect vaccination uptake. Leverage our findings to guide your strategies. Rely on our expertise commercializing novel and therapeutic vaccines.

Immunization Implications in CY 2020 MPFS Final Rule

Two decisions finalized in the CY 2020 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) rule have important implications for vaccine policy and access.

The Evolving Newborn Screening Landscape

On August 21, Avalere policy experts published a piece on the Health Affairs blog highlighting the impact of advancements in treatment and screening technology on the newborn screening landscape.

Avalere’s Vaccines Experts Featured in Health Affairs Blog

On May 24, Avalere policy experts published a piece on the Health Affairs blog highlighting opportunities to leverage quality measurement tied to payment to drive adult immunization uptake and achieve national population health targets.

Avalere Commentary on Vague Vaccine Recommendations Featured in Health Affairs Blog

On May 7, Avalere policy experts published a piece in the Health Affairs blog about the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations, and how they may be leading to provider practice confusion and potential access barriers for patients.

Administration Seeks Input on Federal STD Prevention and Treatment Initiative

On May 3, the Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy, in partnership with other Department of Health and Human Services agencies, released a request for information (RFI) from stakeholders on strategies for the development of a Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Federal Action Plan, an initiative designed to address the domestic STD public health epidemic.

Vaccine Exemptions and the Federal Government’s Role

With the number of measles cases rising across the country, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb raised the prospect of federal intervention over exemptions to state-level immunization school-entry requirements. While not specifying what role the federal government would play, Gottlieb stated, “You could mandate certain rules about what is and isn’t permissible when it comes to allowing people to have exemptions.”

ACIP Recommendations Shift Pneumococcal Vaccination Patterns

New research from Avalere finds that the provision of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines increased immediately after ACIP’s 2014 recommendation to add the vaccine to the routine immunization schedule for older adults.

Emerging Influenza Vaccine Technologies Stand to Improve Vaccination Rates

Nearly 80,000 people died during the 2017–2018 influenza season. Only 37% of adults were vaccinated. Several novel emerging products could make vaccination more accessible and effective, potentially reshaping the market and lowering influenza disease burden.

Lack of Clarity on Preventive Services Recommendations May Create Access Barriers

Ambiguous recommendations for preventive services are causing confusion among plans and providers on the clinically recommended preventive services that should be covered without cost sharing. A recent USPSTF recommendation on HIV prevention offers an opportunity to urge a recommending body to provide further clarity in its recommendation. Comments are due December 26.

Fewer Seniors Get Vaccinated as Their Out-of-Pocket Costs Increase

New research shows higher cost sharing for vaccines under Part D leads to fewer seniors getting vaccines. Immunization rates are higher for vaccines covered by Part D plans with lower cost sharing.

Reforming Medicare Vaccine Coverage to Reduce Barriers to Access

On June 14, Avalere experts came together with Cynthia Tudor, former Deputy Center Director of the Center for Medicare and Senior Advisor to Avalere, to discuss vaccine coverage and access challenges under Medicare.

Webinar: Barriers to Access: Reforming Medicare Vaccine Coverage

Avalere experts discuss adult immunization rates in the United States and how the disparate coverage of vaccines under Medicare creates significant barriers to increasing adult immunization uptake.

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