Guiding Patients on Care Journeys: Preparing for Shared Decision-Making

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Experts from Avalere and the National Patient Advocate Foundation (NPAF) discussed the value of shared decision-making (SDM) and preparing patients and families for navigating their care journeys.

Research shows patients frequently feel like they do not have sufficient information about the emotional impact of their diagnoses, costs of care, and other concerns. They frequently report feeling ill-prepared to communicate with their providers when making decisions related to treatment and management. SDM, a process of communication in which clinicians and patients work together to make optimal healthcare decisions that align with what matters most to patients, is one solution to help patients better navigate their care journeys. Avalere experts developed Preparation for Shared Decision-Making (PFSDM) tools to help patients with advanced breast cancer and Stage III non-small cell lung cancer better prepare to make decisions related to their treatment shortly after diagnosis.

Topics included:

  • Trends in SDM
  • Process of development for PFSDM tool
  • Intended audience and uses of PFSDM tool
  • Understanding the diversity of needs patients and caregivers have, and approaches to addressing them
  • Value of tools and resources like the PFSDM tool among patients



Josh Seidman advises clients on health delivery and payment innovation with a focus on using information technology to guide value-based care models.

Courtney Ramus , Consultant I

Courtney Ramus provides research support to clients within the healthcare quality measurement and quality improvement space.

Guest Speaker
Gwen Darien , Executive Vice President, Patient Advocacy and Engagement, Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF)
As a longtime patient advocate and three-time cancer survivor, Gwen leads programs that link PAF’s patient service programs to NPAF initiatives, with the goal of improving access to affordable, equitable quality health care.
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