Press Releases

Calling all media inquiries! Pay attention to our recent findings and give us a call to talk to the expert directly. Contact our media agency, Finn Partners, to schedule some time to get insightful, unbiased, fact-based answers to your questions.

Impact of Medicare Advantage Data Submission System on Risk Scores

Avalere analyzed data from eight Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs) representing 1.1 million beneficiaries in more than 30 unique plans operating across the country to understand the impact of shifting the determination of plan risk scores from the Risk Adjustment Processing System (RAPS) to the new Encounter Data System (EDS).

CORRECTION: Premium Increases for Most Popular Medicare Drug Benefit Plans, Market for Medicare Advantage Plans Appears Stable in 2017

According to a new Avalere analysis of data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), premiums for stand-alone prescription drug plans (PDPs) will increase and the number of PDPs available in 2017 will decrease. Conversely, the Medicare Advantage market appears strong as 8 in 10 beneficiaries have access to MA plans that offer prescription drug benefits with a zero premium.

8 Million Adults Could Be Eligible to Purchase Medicare Coverage Under Proposed Clinton Plan

A new Avalere analysis finds that approximately 8 million Americans age 55 or over who are currently uninsured or have individual coverage purchased through the private market-inside and outside the exchange- could be eligible to buy-in to the Medicare program under a plan proposed by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

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