Nicole Betor supports clients from multiple sectors by conducting research and evaluating evidence in value assessment, health economics and outcomes research, and disease burden, particularly through a patient-centered lens.

In recent projects, Nicole has helped life sciences companies design and execute value and evidence strategies for a variety of US value assessment activities, including preparation for Medicare drug price negotiations under the Inflation Reduction Act. Nicole also manages complex qualitative and quantitative studies to generate evidence on the total burden of disease, comparative effectiveness of treatments, social determinants of health, and other topics.

Prior to joining Avalere, Nicole worked at the Public Health Institute where she conducted analyses to provide evidence-based strategic recommendations to a variety of clients. As a researcher and consultant, she identified existing gaps and advised hospitals and health systems on aligning their assets with community needs. Additionally, Nicole worked with the Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention at University of North Carolina (UNC) Chapel Hill where she evaluated the impact of multiple community-based programs focused on improving social determinants of health.

Nicole holds a BSPH in nutrition from UNC Chapel Hill.

Authored Content

Alternative approaches for weighting multiple uses of a product when setting maximum fair prices may better balance patient needs and development incentives.

The next cohort of drugs includes additional cancer and chronic disease therapies, as well as products that were therapeutic alternatives for IPAY 2026 drugs.

Avalere experts share initial impressions of the publicly released negotiated MFPs for the first round of selected drugs, highlighting implications to industry.

Updates in the Initial IPAY 2027 ICR highlight the increasing needs for specific evidence planning and generation for industry to prepare for negotiation.

Budgeting season offers HEOR teams the opportunity to revisit research and evidence needs and update their commercialization strategy based on market dynamics.

Avalere analyzed the top trends in HEOR and key implications for life sciences companies to consider for future strategic planning.

In the next installment of our 2023 Top Trends in HEOR series, Avalere experts dive into Trend #10: Quantifying Indirect Burden and Measuring Novel Elements of Value

Avalere experts dive into Trend #10: Quantifying Indirect Burden and Measuring Novel Elements of Value and discuss its evolving nature.

Innovative research methods can be used to measure the total burden of rare disease, including direct medical costs, indirect costs, and overall life impacts.

Avalere identified the top trends in HEOR and key implications for life sciences companies to consider for their 2024 strategic plans.

Avalere identified the top trends in health economics and outcomes research in 2023 and beyond. In this video, Avalere experts dive into a few of the key trends in HEOR that are significantly shaping the landscape.

Avalere assessed the current use of patient-centered outcomes in ICER evidence reports and determined the patient voice minimally influences modeling results.

Recently released guidance and a second draft Negotiation Data Elements ICR introduce several opportunities for patients and caregivers to shape negotiation.

ICER announced proposed changes to its Value Assessment Framework. Stakeholders have limited time to review and comment by June 30.

Manufacturers of therapeutic alternatives to negotiation-eligible drugs should re-examine their commercialization strategies in response to market dynamics.

Manufacturers of therapeutic alternatives to negotiation-eligible drugs should examine their value and evidence strategy in response to new dynamics.

Avalere’s expert presentations at ISPOR described the IRA’s impact on evidence strategy and highlighted a recent study to capture total disease burden.

A significant push towards patient-centered value has occurred in recent years, yet a validated instrument to collect patient-centered data has not been established. The Patient Perspective Value Framework (PPVF) Initiative offers an approach for addressing this missing piece.

Manufacturers may find significant gaps between their existing evidence and the negotiation data elements that CMS will evaluate during the negotiation process.

Traditional health technology assessments fall short in accounting for how therapy addresses the total burden of illness experienced by affected individuals.

It is critical for orthopedic providers to understand key cost drivers to identify opportunities for savings in bundled payment arrangements with private payers.

Successful initiatives to address malnutrition and food insecurity through quality measurement and community partnerships are improving malnutrition care across the country and addressing health equity.

The proposed inclusion of the Global Malnutrition Composite Score in the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program will enable hospitals and their patients to benefit from identifying and addressing malnutrition. The measure’s use facilitates high-quality and comprehensive nutrition care that begins in the inpatient setting and continues across transitions of care.

Malnutrition is a complex and burdensome condition that is often connected to social determinants of health—including food insecurity—that can widen disparities in health outcomes.

Worse air quality leads to preventable negative health outcomes that increase healthcare costs. Further, urban and minority populations are often exposed to disproportionate pollution risks, leading to impaired health and increased financial burden on both individuals and broader health and social systems.