Federal and State Policy

As the largest US healthcare payer, the federal government plays a dominant role in shaping the healthcare marketplace, while states take center stage when it comes to developing novel policy approaches. Our experts track, interpret, and model policies that affect insurance coverage, access, and consumer choice so you can see around the bend.

COVID-19 Relief Funding for Healthcare Providers

Avalere analysis of the distribution of provider relief funds indicates geographical concentration related to the number of reported COVID-19 cases.

10 Drivers Complicate the Medicaid Outlook Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

State Medicaid programs face a series of near- and long-term challenges amid the COVID-19 pandemic due to enrollment growth and financial pressures. Stakeholders should evaluate key drivers shaping the state-by-state Medicaid outlook.

Emergency State Licensing Flexibilities May Improve Provider Access

Recent regulatory changes have eased restrictions for providers delivering care across state lines during the COVID-19 public health emergency. However, state and federal cooperation on extended licensure expansion would help address long-term provider access issues.

Patients with Undermanaged RA Have Higher Medicare Costs than Other RA Patients

Avalere analysis finds that Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) patients with an RA diagnosis and conditions associated with undermanaged disease have 121% higher medical costs than other RA patients. Part D costs were 30% higher for those with undermanaged disease than for other RA patients.

Interview: E8 – Get the Facts on COVID-19: The Pharmacy Business

Tune into the eighth episode of our series of podcasts that focuses on COVID-19. In episode 8, Avalere experts from the Policy practice discuss the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on retail pharmacy and pharmacists.

COVID-19 Poses New Challenges in the Evolving Kidney Care Landscape

The kidney care payment and delivery landscape was poised for change in 2020 due to existing policies and market trends. Given the specific risk COVID-19 poses to these patients, the pandemic is creating new challenges and potentially accelerating existing trends in the kidney care space.

Treatment Disruption due to COVID-19 Poses Challenges to Practices in OCM

Oncology practices with a substantial proportion of Oncology Care Model (OCM) episodes in areas with high numbers of COVID-19 cases—such as Connecticut, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania—may face new challenges in containing total expenditure below target amounts.

Biden’s Medicare at 60 Proposal Could Cover 23M Under Medicare

Avalere analysis finds that former Vice President Joe Biden’s proposal to lower the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 60 could increase access to Medicare coverage for an additional 23 million individuals.

Michael Lutz

COVID-19 Considerations for Medicare Advantage Plans

The COVID-19 pandemic will have ongoing, market-wide implications as Medicare Advantage (MA) plans contend both with responding to the virus and the disruption to their normal activities.

State Legislature Suspensions due to COVID-19 Leave Policy Agendas Unfinished

In response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, a majority of state legislatures have either suspended their ongoing legislative sessions or adjourned sine die, which marks the definitive end of a state’s session, earlier than originally scheduled.

New Federal Rule Could Affect Infusion Site of Care Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a new Interim Final Rule (IFR) that is intended to allow additional beneficiaries, especially those who are at high-risk, to receive home infusions amid COVID-19 transmission concerns. Specifically, the CMS clarified the definition of “homebound” under the Medicare Home Health Benefit and temporarily suspended enforcement of the National and Local Coverage Determinations (NCD and LCD) related to home infusion services. Uncertainties remain as to how these new flexibilities will be utilized, as well as how these flexibilities could impact treatment outcomes.

Ekemini Isaiah

Select Part D Plans Have Higher PMPM Spending for LIS in Most Protected Classes

As plans continue to assess the proposed changes to their liability in the Medicare Part D benefit, understanding variations in spending by enrollee can help elucidate how policy changes might affect their spending. This Avalere analysis examines a subset of MA-PD and PDP plans with at least 75% of their enrollment comprising those with LIS. This analysis aims to quantify spending on drugs within the 6 protected classes for low-income subsidy (LIS) and non-LIS beneficiaries in this subset of PDP and MA-PD plans.

Kelly Brantley

Variations in Part D OOP Costs for Insulin Across the Year

Avalere analysis finds that average beneficiary out-of-pocket (OOP) spending for 3 commonly used insulin products remains similar throughout the year, ranging from $95 in December to $136 in June and July.

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